Some of the perpetrators of the assassination of the President of Haiti were former informants of the American police.
A US media outlet reported that some of the people involved in the assassination of the Haitian president were former informants in the US law enforcement agencies.
Several people involved in the operation that led to the assassination of the Haitian president have previously been informants of law enforcement agencies in the United States.
At least one of the people arrested by the Haitian police has previously been an informant for the US Counter-Narcotics Agency, according to the CNN news website, citing sources familiar with the case. The agency confirmed the issue in an email communication with CNN.
“At one point, one of the suspects in the assassination of Haitian President Juanel Moyes was one of the most trusted sources in the Counter-Narcotics Agency,” the US Drug Enforcement Administration said.
“After the assassination of President Moyes, the suspect contacted his associates at the Anti-Narcotics Bureau,” it said. An anti-narcotics official in Haiti called on the suspect to surrender to local authorities. “The official, along with a US State Department official, informed the Haitian government that it led to the arrest of the suspect and another person.”
The Counter-Narcotics Bureau said it was aware that some assassins shouted the name of the department (DEA) during the attack, but that none of the assassins carried out the attack on behalf of the bureau.
Other agents involved in the assassination also had links with the United States. Informed sources say some of these factors were reported by the FBI. The FBI told CNN it would not comment on its informants.