Israeli Air Force Commander: Our military airports are under Hamas missile fire.
Acknowledging that the regime’s military airports are at risk from Palestinian resistance missiles, the commander of the Israeli air force said that Hamas tried to shoot down an Israeli fighter during the 12-day war in Gaza.
The commander of the Israeli air force, Amikam Norkin, released new details about the 12-day war with Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip.
“Israeli military airports are under threat from Hamas missiles,” Norkin said in an interview with Israeli television channel Mako (12), while implicitly acknowledging that the “Sword of Jerusalem” battle ended with the victory of the Palestinian resistance. “They even tried to shoot down one of our fighters [in the recent war].”
“An agreement was reached between the Palestinian and Israeli factions, mediated by Egypt, on a ceasefire between the two sides,” he said in an effort to restore the regime’s reputation after announcing a unilateral ceasefire with the Gaza Strip and accepting defeat in the face of Palestinian resistance.
In another part of his speech, in response to a question about the axis of resistance in occupied northern Palestine and Syria, the Zionist general claimed: “Iran’s claim to change its behavior and beliefs about military deployment in the region is somewhat dramatic, but about changing Iran’s operational plans in the region. “I think we have been influential.”
According to the Mako website, Norkin also commented on the possible sale of F-35 fighter jets by the United States to the United Arab Emirates: “The position of the Israeli army in this regard is quite clear. “We have to maintain our military superiority in that area.”
Clashes between the Zionist regime and Palestinian resistance groups began on May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need to end the attacks in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and ended 12 days later. In the 12-day clashes between the resistance groups and the Zionist regime, more than 4,000 rockets and rockets were fired at occupied Palestine, and the weakness of the Iron Dome in intercepting and destroying Palestinian resistance rockets caused great financial and human losses in Zionist cities and towns.
During the 12-day war, Israeli air bases were one of the most important targets of rockets and rockets fired by Palestinian resistance groups, even at great distances from the Gaza Strip.