New York:
WhatsApp, a globally popular video calling app for WhatsApp users, has released an important statement regarding the new privacy policy, stating that the user can accept the new policy at any time and ‘S account will not be deleted.
WhatsApp recently issued a statement confirming that WhatsApp cannot view users’ private messages nor will the company delete the user’s account if the new policy is not accepted because the user Can accept new policy anytime.
The company said in a statement that check the calendar, add coffee, let’s do this. The message further said that we can not see your personal messages, nor will we delete your account. Yes you can accept our policy whenever you want.
Earlier, WhatsApp said in a statement that the accounts of users who do not comply with the privacy policy will not be deleted immediately. According to the WhatsApp message, if a user does not accept the policy. He will be reminded again and again that if he does not accept the new terms, he will not be able to access his chat list initially.
The message further said that not only that, but after a few weeks, the call facility from WhatsApp of the user who does not accept the policy will also be removed while his WhatsApp will be closed later.