A few days ago, Asad Umar, a close associate of Prime Minister Imran Khan, issued a disturbing statement in the country’s politics in which he said that if Prime Minister Imran Khan was not allowed to work and his work was hampered he will dissolve the assemblies.
Senior journalist Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami, in response to a question regarding the dissolution of the assemblies, said that this situation was created as a result of the uprising within the PTI. Jahangir Tareen told about forty members of the assembly by standing with him. He said that the source of power was now his group.
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami further said that the message that the Prime Minister can break the assemblies is also for the rebel members of PTI. I think it is a threat but it cannot be put into practice. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan said. He said that the issue of dissolving Asad Umar’s assemblies was presented out of context. Imran Khan has not come to disband the assemblies but to break the back of the corrupt mafia.
Responding to the federal minister’s statement, senior journalist and analyst Saleem Bukhari said that it was already being said in various quarters that the prime minister could dissolve the assemblies, but now for the first time even from the government ranks. This has been said. According to Saleem Bukhari, Prime Minister Imran Khan has given this message to the ruling circles. Imran Khan has said that if an attempt is made to remove them, then they will break up the assemblies as they go.
If the assemblies break up, then new elections will have to be held. If new elections are held, PML-N will conduct a clean sweep in Punjab. On the other hand, according to sources, Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to give tickets to ideological activists in the next elections. Imran Khan has termed his past decisions as wrong by looking at the thinking and politics of the most like-minded group.