Telegram has announced a number of new features for its customers, including video support in voice chat, payments 2.0, scheduling voice chats, mini profiles for voice chats, new web version and more. Telegram is now also offering admins of groups and channels to schedule voice chats.
Notable among these updates is the video conferencing support in VoiceChat, which indicates that this messaging app is trying to beat Microsoft teams, Zoom and Gooogle Meet.
Similarly, another update Payment 2.0 is also important under which support for credit card payments will be provided in any chat. For this purpose, 8 third party payment services are being added to Telegram while the app will be available to the users. I will be informed of the procedure on any purchase.
Payments can also be made from any Telegram app, including the desktop. Scheduled voice chat will feature a colorful countdown and users will have the option to receive a notification when WhatsApp chat starts.
Telegram is also making it easier for users to know who they are voice chatting with through mini profiles. With this update, users will be able to view profile pictures and bios without having to leave the voice chat window. 2 web apps are also being added by the company which will have various features like animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders and others.
Telegram Web K and Web Z will be apps with a volume of only 400kb and will act as standalone apps. Other features include the option to zoom in on photos and videos with your finger in chat, while in iOS. The video can also be fast forwarded and rewinded for 15 minutes.
In Android, this can be done by pressing the screen on the right or left side and can be forwarded or rewinded for 10 seconds. Telegram will now be able to download Telegram directly from instead of the Play Store. You will even be able to install the new version several days or weeks in advance.