Russia: America is trying to turn Central Asian countries into its obedient satellites.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that the American efforts in Central Asia are aimed at increasing influence and turning the countries of the region into satellites of “Washington”.
Russia: America is trying to turn Central Asian countries into its obedient satellites
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that the American efforts in Central Asia are aimed at increasing influence and turning the countries of the region into satellites of “Washington”.
Russia: America is trying to turn Central Asian countries into its obedient satellites
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that the American efforts in Central Asia are aimed at increasing influence and turning the countries of the region into satellites of “Washington”.
Russia: America is trying to turn Central Asian countries into its obedient satellites
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that the American efforts in Central Asia are aimed at increasing influence and turning the countries of the region into satellites of “Washington”.
“Maria Zakharova”, the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, during a press conference, said, referring to the US efforts to turn Central Asian countries into its satellites: “Moscow is monitoring the increasing visits of US representatives to the region.”
He stated: We are witnessing the continuous efforts of America to strengthen its (position) in Central Asia, which encourages the countries of the region to follow the illegal extraterritorial sanctions against our country. According to American custom, this is done with brazenness and empty promises of benefits if Washington’s orders are followed.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia emphasized that the anti-Russian purpose of American actions in Central Asia is clearly visible.
He clarified: The slogan of democracy, which Washington does not hesitate to finance and prepares the ground for color revolutions and apparently shows its “good intentions”, is actually done with the aim of turning independent countries into obedient satellites without question. submit to colonial rule and allow the depletion of natural resources and the induction of Western vulgar values.