Raye Al Youm: Israel threatens with an empty pistol; The spider’s web is in decline.
The Qatari newspaper Raye Alyoum published a note about the deteriorating trend of the Zionist regime and wrote from the mouth of the Zionists that this regime has lost its deterrent power since 2006 and is threatening with an empty pistol.
The Qatari newspaper Raei Al-Yum published a note today that the deterrence power of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip has been eroded and the battle for awareness between the occupiers and the resistance groups in favor of the movements active in the Gaza Strip and especially the Hamas movement has been dealt a fatal blow. Finished. In addition, Israel admitted its inability to carry out ground military operations to reoccupy Gaza under the pretext that Israeli society cannot bear the loss of life that would be inflicted on the occupying army in the event of such an adventure.
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According to this newspaper, in addition, articles and analyzes have recently been published by Zionists that openly speak of the end or imminent destruction of the Jewish state, and a number of experts and analysts in the Hebrew media have also begun to warn of the dangers of “political chaos.” ” Have. According to these analysts, the chaos that Israel is experiencing in the recent period could also lead to a “civil war”. Because the former prime minister, as “Rogel Alfer” emphasized, is not willing to leave the political stage, and what is more dangerous is that the recent polls show that he is more likely to return as a prime minister than, according to Alfer, the first dictatorship based on To establish Jewish supremacy in Israel.
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In the continuation of this note, pointing out that the Zionist regime is threatening its enemies with an empty pistol, and relying on informed sources in Tel Aviv, it is stated that Israel’s deterrence power has started to erode since the end of the Second Lebanon War in 2006. and this erosion has not stopped and continues even faster after this regime admitted the failure of the Zionist project in Syria. These statements were not made by anonymous political sources, but a number of senior Zionist officials in Tel Aviv have acknowledged it. Specifically, these statements are made about the strength of Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the development of its military arsenal, both quantitatively and qualitatively.