America means guns and America without weapons means nothing!
You do not need to be an expert or refer to multiple sources to find out that the nature of America and the original culture of this country and its people are tied to firearms. From Hollywood movies to the horrific shootings and killings that continue to this day in the worst possible way, firearms are an integral part of Americans’ daily lives.
The obviousness of this is that the famous state of Texas, which plays a central role in “Western” films, is a common term used by Iranians to refer to lawlessness, sniping, and armed conflict and killing. He himself confirms this issue.
Recently, armed killings in this country have become the focus of the world’s media attention. An 18-year-old teenager in Texas shoots 18 elementary school children and two teachers. A racist white youth in New York State kills 10 with guns and injures dozens more. These are examples of the horrific events of the recent mass shootings in this country.
Individual and mass killings in the United States have a history dating back to the 18th century. But the question is why in a country that claims to have human rights, democracy and high human culture and civilization, the rate of firearm killings is so high? What do the laws of this country say about this? Why do the politicians of this country complain every time about the massacres and promise to reform the laws on the purchase, transportation and storage of weapons, but in practice nothing happens?
What does the US Constitution say about this?
The Second Amendment to the US Constitution states: A well-organized paramilitary force is essential to the security of a free country, and the right of the people to bear arms should not be violated.
The phrase in the US Constitution is a fundamental reason for the freedom to buy, sell and carry weapons in this country and is always cited in all cases. There has always been debate about what the scope of the phrase can be and what it includes.
In this regard, some believe that the complementary phrase “the right of the people to possess and carry weapons” creates a legal right for every person to own a firearm. Thus, the US Constitution restricts the legislature in this country from imposing a ban on the possession of firearms, and the prohibition and restriction of firearms is considered illegal.