The sharp decline in Saudi assets in the US Treasury.
Saudi assets in US Treasury bonds hit a five-year low.
Assets fell to $ 115.5 billion in March, down $ 1.2 billion from February 2022.
As of January 2017, Saudi Arabia had $ 112.3 billion in US Treasury bonds.
Assets fell 2.2 percent to $ 116.7 billion by the end of February from $ 119.4 billion at the end of January.
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Saudi Deputy Defense Minister travels to US
Increasing Saudi public debt
Saudi Arabia, which was the 17th largest holder of US bonds at the end of 2021 in January, fell to 18th in February following a decline.
As of February 2022, Saudi Arabia had $ 101.27 billion in long-term bonds and $ 15.46 billion in short-term US bonds.
Japan holds the largest US Treasury bonds at $ 1306.3 billion in February, followed by China with $ 1054.8 billion. Over the past two years, Japan has increased its bonds by $ 38 billion (about 3%), and in the case of China, the second country on the list, we have seen a decrease of $ 37.5 billion (3.43%).