The escape story of a Palestinian captive from the Zionists after the capture operation.
A Palestinian prisoner who was detained Sunday morning along with another Palestinian prisoner in Operation Freedom Tunnel in Jenin says he was twice attacked by Zionist militants while arriving in Jenin after being released from captivity in northern Palestine.
The story of a Palestinian captive about escaping from the Zionists after the capture operation
According to Fars News Agency’s International Group, the Palestinian prisoner “Ihem Kamjaji” who was re-arrested by Zionist militants from a house in the Jenin camp on Sunday morning along with other Palestinian prisoners from Operation Azadi Tunnel, details his situation after the Azadi Tunnel operation. informed.
Kamarji’s lawyer, Munther Abu Ahmad, who met with the Palestinian prisoner at the interrogation center, said that during the pursuit in the Palestinian territories, 48, an Israeli soldier stood over him and confiscated his equipment, but did not realize that He is one of the prisoners of Operation Recruitment.
Confirming that Kamjaji had been released from prison after being released from prison and had been assaulted twice by the Israeli military during his fetal arrival, he said: His side was shot.
Abu Ahmad says that Kamjaji and other “Palestinian prisoners” were beaten and tortured during their detention and subsequent interrogation, and that Kamjaji was currently suffering from severe chest pain at his request for an examination. Not given importance by the doctor.
Abu Ahmad says that Kamamji wished to visit his mother’s grave in the fetus, but this wish was not fulfilled.
Ihem Kamamji and Manazal Nafiat appeared in the Israeli court on Sunday evening, and the court extended their detention for two weeks.
Kamamji’s lawyer emphasizes that the prolongation of the detention of Palestinian prisoners has increased fears of more severe torture during interrogation.