According to reports, the Punjab government has asked for a formal bid for the Orange Train station contract, for which Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has already approved and now that the law has been cleared, the Mass Transit Authority has asked the companies The Mass Transit Authority has also issued a tender for taking bids from companies, under which all stations of the Orange Line train will be outsourced.
It has been informed that the purpose of outsourcing the stations of Orange Line train is to increase the revenue sources of the government, for which tuck shops and ATM machines will be installed at the stations. Will be able to use.
It may be mentioned that the Punjab government has decided to lease 27 stations of Metro Orange Line train running in Lahore. In this regard, the Mass Transit Authority has estimated an annual revenue of Rs. 50 crore. In this regard, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar At the direction of Usman Bazdar, the Mass Transit Authority prepared a plan to allow the corporate sector to sell its products at commercial shops at Orange Line train stations, as well as to set up tuck shops and bank counters. Also under consideration, the corporate sectors will be approached by the Mass Transit Authority before leasing and these firms will be pre-qualified.
It has been reported that the elevated and underground stations of the Orange Line train cover an area of more than 3 kanals and the major corridors are deserted, so the plan was made to use these corridors for mass transit. A regular feasibility report will be prepared by the authority in which only specific items will be allowed to be sold.